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RUS. Russia. Moscow. In the tents of the charity “Miloserdi” who feed homeless people every day. Usually they feed around 50 people a day. Since the outbreak started already more than 100 people came to eat at Miloserdi. Many other charities were closed by the government as the pandemic hit Moscow. Doctors notice a rise of pneumonia cases among homeless people.
Russia.Moscow.Hospital 52nd Nurse Margarita Sokolova after 24h shift in the Red Zone
Russia.Moscow.Hospital 52nd Young patient is being intubated.
Russia.Moscow.Hospital 52nd Nurse with flowers for war veterans on 9th of May
RUS. Russia. Moscow. In the flat of Ludmilla Alexandrovna. Sister Natalia Georgivna comes to her three times a week when her son is at work for 48 hours and not able to look after her. Natalia works for the Russian orthodox charity Miloserdi as a patronage. She cares for the old and sick who otherwise wouldn’t get any help. Most of the nurses of Miloserdi are over 65. As the outbreak started they are not allowed to work anymore. Natalia says she gets every week more and more new patients who she needs to care for because otherwise they would be totally alone.
Russia.Moscow.Hospital 52nd Nurse during complex cesarean section in a patient with placental ingrowth. The maternity ward is left as the only that treats non Covid patients at the 52nd hospital.
Russia.Dagestan. Kaspiysk Newborn baby in the maternity hospital which has been turned into a red zone. It’s the republics only Covid maternity hospital.
Stanislav, a surgeon waits until the patient is delivered from the reanimation so he and his colleagues can start the surgery for EKMO.
Russia.Moscow.Hospital 52nd Patient with flowers on 9th of May.
Russia.Moscow.Hospital N 15. The former swimming pool got turned into a canteen.
Russia.Moscow.Hospital 52nd Recovering patient
Russia.Moscow.Hospital 52nd Doctors and nurses congratulate patients on Victory Day. The departments contain 21 war veterans and more than 100 “children of war”
RUS. Russia. Moscow. In the tent of the Orthodox service “Mercy”, homeless people eat every day. Before, 100-150 people a day came. With the onset of a pandemic, 300-400 people a day come. Many charitable organizations supporting the homeless are faced with the disapproval of authorities when quarantine begins. Policemen chase the crowds of homeless people infront of food carts, explaining this with security measures. Doctors say homeless people get pneumonia more often.